Created by Michael Thom 14 years ago
Some years ago I was sitting in the Royal Sovereign in Shoreham drinking with Nigel and yarning with Mike Green who was serving behind the bar at the time. When a sly grin came over Nigel's face and he passed me a card that he had had printed and on the card were the following words:- Dear Friend Having been sat here for quite some time nursing an almost empty glass, it is with the greatest reluctance that I beg to remind you that it appears to be YOUR FUCKING TURN TO PAY YOU TIGHT FISTED BASTARD. The card so amused me that I stuck it in a scrap book from whence I rediscovered it. I also discovered the very last photograph taken of my bottom without a tattoo on it and indeed the very first photograph ever take (the next day) of my arse with the tattoo displayed on the left cheek, where it remains to this day. These were both of course taken by that great court photographer Nigel Anthony Bonny using a polaroid camera and known ever since as a HAENORRHOID (British Spelling) camera. Happy Days and Great memories. Mike Thom
